Reciprocating compressors to meet OEM demands

Reciprocating compressors to meet OEM demands

Reciprocating compressors to meet OEM demands

  • Product : Reciprocating compressors to meet OEM demands
  • Code :
  • Availability : Available
  • Brand : Kaeser

Customised for every compressed air user
Do you have special compressed air supply requirements? Kaeser will put together a complete, turnkey compressed air station for you – with custom compressed air quality, flow rate and pressure requirement specifications.

Flow rate 60 to 1400 l/min
Pressure from 7 to 35 bar
Naturally we use only the highest quality, industrial-grade Kaeser components. In special circumstances, Kaeser can also construct a completely custom machine to meet your individual needs.

Your advantages

Optimally adapted to your overall system:
We actively help with implementing the compressed air station into your overall system and with interface design – to ensure that everything works in perfect harmony.
Low energy costs with optimal service life:
Our analytic methods will determine the most effective manner of operation for your system in order to reduce your operating costs.
Support for international use:
We also offer internationally-specified versions of our products. This means that we take into account the corresponding national versions right from the planning stage. Furthermore we provide you with in-depth consultation services to prevent potential subsequent issues from occurring, such as lack of approvals.

Kaeser - Technical parameters